Senin, 28 April 2014

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing in general can be portrayed as a synonym for distributed computing over a network, with the ability to run a program or application on many connected computers at the same time. It specifically refers to a computing hardware machine or group of computing hardware machines commonly referred as a server connected through a communication network such as the Internet, an intranet, a local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN) and individual users or user who have permission to access the server can use the server's processing power for their individual computing needs like to run an application, store data or any other computing need. Therefore, instead of using a personal computer every-time to run the application, the individual can now run the application from anywhere in the world, as the server provides the processing power to the application and the server is also connected to a network via internet or other connection platforms to be accessed from anywhere.
Cloud computing offers your business many benefits. It allows you to set up what is essentially a virtual office to give you the flexibility of connecting to your business anywhere, any time. With the growing number of web-enabled devices used in today's business environment (e.g. smartphones, tablets), access to your data is even easier. There are many benefits to moving your business to the cloud:
·         Reduced IT costs
Moving to cloud computing may reduce the cost of managing and maintaining your IT systems. Rather than purchasing expensive systems and equipment for your business, you can reduce your costs by using the resources of your cloud computing service provider. You may be able to reduce your operating costs because:
1.       the cost of system upgrades, new hardware and software may be included in your contract
2.       you no longer need to pay wages for expert staff
3.       your energy consumption costs may be reduced
4.       there are fewer time delays.
·         Scalability
Your business can scale up or scale down your operation and storage needs quickly to suit your situation, allowing flexibility as your needs change. Rather than purchasing and installing expensive upgrades yourself, your cloud computer service provider can handle this for you. Using the cloud frees up your time so you can get on with running your business.
·         Business continuity
Protecting your data and systems is an important part of business continuity planning. Whether you experience a natural disaster, power failure or other crisis, having your data stored in the cloud ensures it is backed up and protected in a secure and safe location. Being able to access your data again quickly allows you to conduct business as usual, minimising any downtime and loss of productivity.
·         Collaboration efficiency
Collaboration in a cloud environment gives your business the ability to communicate and share more easily outside of the traditional methods. If you are working on a project across different locations, you could use cloud computing to give employees, contractors and third parties access to the same files. You could also choose a cloud computing model that makes it easy for you to share your records with your advisers (e.g. a quick and secure way to share accounting records with your accountant or financial adviser).
·         Flexibility of work practices
Cloud computing allows employees to be more flexible in their work practices. For example, you have the ability to access data from home, on holiday, or via the commute to and from work (providing you have an internet connection). If you need access to your data while you are off-site, you can connect to your virtual office, quickly and easily.
·         Access to automatic updates
Access to automatic updates for your IT requirements may be included in your service fee. Depending on your cloud computing service provider, your system will regularly be updated with the latest technology. This could include up-to-date versions of software, as well as upgrades to servers and computer processing power.

Cloud computing exhibits the following key characteristics:
intensive computing tasks. Pricing on a utility computing basis is fine-grained, with usage-based options and fewer IT skills are required for implementation (in-house).[40] The e-FISCAL project's state-of-the-art repository contains several articles looking into cost aspects in more detail, most of them concluding that costs savings depend on the type of activities supported and the type of infrastructure available in-house.
Device and location independence. enable users to access systems using a web browser regardless of their location or what device they use (e.g., PC, mobile phone). As infrastructure is off-site (typically provided by a third-party) and accessed via the Internet, users can connect from anywhere.
Virtualization technology allows sharing of servers and storage devices and increased utilization. Applications can be easily migrated from one physical server to another.
Multitenancy enables sharing of resources and costs across a large pool of users thus allowing for:
·         centralization of infrastructure in locations with lower costs (such as real estate, electricity, etc.)
·         peak-load capacity increases (users need not engineer for highest possible load-levels)
·         utilisation and efficiency improvements for systems that are often only 10–20% utilised.
Reliability improves with the use of multiple redundant sites, which makes well-designed cloud computing suitable for business continuity and disaster recovery. Scalability and elasticity via dynamic ("on-demand") provisioning of resources on a fine-grained, self-service basis in near real-time (Note, the VM startup time varies by VM type, location, os and cloud providers), without users having to engineer for peak loads.
Performance is monitored, and consistent and loosely coupled architectures are constructed using web services as the system interface.
Security can improve due to centralization of data, increased security-focused resources, etc., but concerns can persist about loss of control over certain sensitive data, and the lack of security for stored kernels. Security is often as good as or better than other traditional systems, in part because providers are able to devote resources to solving security issues that many customers cannot afford to tackle.
Maintenance of cloud computing applications is easier, because they do not need to be installed on each user's computer and can be accessed from different places.
Cloud security architecture is effective only if the correct defensive implementations are in place. An efficient cloud security architecture should recognize the issues that will arise with security management. The security management addresses these issues with security controls. These controls are put in place to safeguard any weaknesses in the system and reduce the effect of an attack. While there are many types of controls behind a cloud security architecture, they can usually be found in one of the following categories:
Deterrent controls
These controls are set in place to prevent any purposeful attack on a cloud system. Much like a warning sign on a fence or a property, these controls do not reduce the actual vulnerability of a system.
Preventative controls
These controls upgrade the strength of the system by managing the vulnerabilities. The preventative control will safeguard vulnerabilities of the system. If an attack were to occur, the preventative controls are in place to cover the attack and reduce the damage and violation to the system's security.
Corrective controls
Corrective controls are used to reduce the effect of an attack. Unlike the preventative controls, the corrective controls take action as an attack is occurring.
Detective controls
Detective controls are used to detect any attacks that may be occurring to the system. In the event of an attack, the detective control will signal the preventative or corrective controls to address the issue.

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Senin, 21 April 2014

Sebuah layanan direktori untuk digunakan dengan layanan web dan keamanan XML

Ada banyak cara di mana klien dapat memperoleh deskripsi layanan .
 Sebagai contoh,
siapa pun yang menyediakan layanan web - tingkat yang lebih tinggi .
pasti akan membuat halaman web iklan layanan dan
klien potensial akan menemukan halaman web ketika mencari layanan dari
ketik .
Namun, setiap organisasi yang berencana untuk mendasarkan aplikasi pada layanan web akan
merasa lebih nyaman untuk menggunakan layanan direktori untuk membuat layanan ini tersedia bagi
klien . Ini adalah tujuan dari Deskripsi Universal , Discovery dan Integrasi
layanan ( UDDI ) [ Bellwood et al . 2003], yang menyediakan layanan nama dan
layanan direktori ( lihat Bagian 13.3 ) . Artinya , deskripsi layanan WSDL dapat melihat
oleh nama ( layanan halaman putih ) atau dengan atribut ( layanan yellow pages ) . mereka mungkin
juga dapat diakses langsung melalui URL mereka , yang nyaman bagi para pengembang yang
merancang program klien yang menggunakan layanan ini .
Klien dapat menggunakan pendekatan halaman kuning untuk mencari kategori tertentu dari
layanan, seperti agen perjalanan atau penjual buku , atau mereka mungkin menggunakan pendekatan halaman putih untuk
mencari layanan dengan mengacu pada organisasi yang menyediakan itu .

Struktur data •
Struktur data pendukung UDDI dirancang untuk memungkinkan semua
atas gaya akses dan dapat menggabungkan setiap jumlah informasi yang dapat dibaca manusia.

Lookup •
UDDI menyediakan API untuk mencari jasa berdasarkan dua set permintaan
• The get_xxx seperangkat operasi meliputi get_BusinessDetail, get_ServiceDetail,
get_bindingDetail dan get_tModelDetail; mereka mengambil suatu entitas sesuai dengan
kunci yang diberikan.
• Set find_xxx operasi meliputi find_business, find_service, find_binding
dan find_tModel; mereka mengambil set entitas yang cocok dengan set tertentu
kriteria pencarian, menyediakan ringkasan dari nama, deskripsi, kunci dan URL.

Jadi klien dalam kepemilikan kunci tertentu dapat menggunakan operasi get_xxx untuk mengambil
sesuai entitas secara langsung, dan klien lain mungkin menggunakan penelusuran untuk membantu pencarian,
dimulai dengan satu set besar hasil dan secara bertahap menyempit ke bawah. Misalnya, mereka
mungkin mulai dengan menggunakan operasi find_business untuk mendapatkan daftar yang berisi ringkasan
informasi tentang penyedia cocok .

Registry •
Layanan UDDI didasarkan pada data direplikasi disimpan dalam pendaftar . Sebuah UDDI
registry terdiri dari satu atau lebih server UDDI , masing-masing memiliki salinan dari set yang sama
data . Data direplikasi antara anggota registri .

Keamanan XML

terdiri dari satu set desain W3C terkait untuk penandatanganan, manajemen kunci dan
enkripsi. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk digunakan dalam kerja koperasi melalui Internet yang melibatkan
dokumen yang isinya mungkin perlu dikonfirmasi atau dienkripsi. biasanya
dokumen yang dibuat, dipertukarkan, disimpan dan kemudian ditukar lagi, mungkin setelah
yang dimodifikasi oleh serangkaian pengguna yang berbeda.
WS -Security [ Kaler 2002 ] adalah pendekatan lain untuk keamanan yang berkaitan dengan
menerapkan integritas pesan , kerahasiaan pesan dan otentikasi pesan tunggal
untuk SOAP .

Persyaratan dasar tambahan •
persyaratan lebih lanjut timbul dari kebutuhan untuk menyimpan
dokumen , memungkinkan untuk mengubahnya dan kemudian mengirimkannya ke berbagai berbeda

The KeyInfo Elemen •
keamanan XML menentukan elemen KeyInfo untuk menunjukkan kunci
yang akan digunakan untuk memvalidasi tanda tangan atau untuk mendekripsi beberapa data . Ini mungkin berisi , misalnya ,
sertifikat , nama-nama kunci atau algoritma kesepakatan kunci .

XML Canonical •
Beberapa aplikasi dapat membuat perubahan yang tidak berpengaruh pada
isi informasi yang sebenarnya dari dokumen XML . Hal ini muncul karena ada bermacam-macam
cara yang berbeda dalam merepresentasikan apa yang logis dokumen XML yang sama . untuk
Misalnya , atribut mungkin dalam urutan yang berbeda dan berbeda pengkodean karakter mungkin
digunakan , namun kandungan informasi setara .

Layanan manajemen kunci •
Spesifikasi XML layanan manajemen kunci berisi protokol untuk mendistribusikan dan mendaftarkan kunci publik untuk digunakan dalam tanda tangan XML. Meskipun tidak memerlukan kunci publik tertentu
infrastruktur, layanan ini dirancang agar kompatibel dengan yang sudah ada.

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